Wanted: a new Treasurer for Brechin United Church

Qualifications: - a commitment to helping our church grow into the future;

- the ability to read financial reports;
- a good comfort level with computers;
- a curiosity about how the church functions;

- a willingness to learn.

Assets provided: - a Stewardship & Finance Team to advise & support;

- the mentorship of the past Treasurer;
- an outside book-keeping service;
- a reliable payroll service;
- an onsite Office Administrator who makes all entries,
deposits & cheques

- an abundance of Treasurer’s webinars from the
National Church for consultation & training.

Start Date: - an invitation to come on board the Stewardship & Finance
Team immediately to learn about the work and responsibilities well before
the Feb. 2025 AGM when our current Treasurer retires.
Remuneration: The gratitude of each and every member of Brechin United

Please talk to Blaine Wilkins (250)716-8785 for further information.