Minister Search Team

The Brechin Church Council has selected a team to search for a new minister to fill
the role since Tif Bradford/McNaughton resigned so that she could join her
husband David in Smithers.
The team consists of Salome Carey, chair, Kathy Torhjelm, secretary, Mark Jervis,
Bruce Wilson, Garth Whittome, and Terri Donaldson. We are supported by Andy
Gilman, who represents Pacific Mountain Region.
So far, we have met three times, and we have all completed the required training
module, learned about our biases and begun the writing of our interview
Our profile has been posted on Church Hub and as all applicants must be
approved by the National Office of Vocation and also listed on Church Hub, we
are getting registered there and learning how to navigate this website.
We will soon begin screening applications and arranging interviews. As the
posting does not close until September 30 th , we will be considering applications
until that date and making a decision in early October.
It is very rewarding to me to get to know the team members and I am grateful for
this opportunity to serve.
Kathy Torhjelm